I’m Andrew Redican. I live in Cork City, where I code the future.

Hey there, I’m Andrew! I’m an engineer and entrepreneur, based in Ireland. When I’m not obsessing over my latest coding project, you can find me spending time with my wife and son, or hanging out with my two cats, Niya and Bonnie.

My passion for creating things has been with me for as long as I can remember. I’ve always loved tinkering with technology and coming up with new ideas. That drive to create has led me down some interesting paths in my career, from working as a data analyst to starting my own software company.

I’m always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow, both as a person and as a professional. I believe that the key to success is to never stop learning and pushing yourself to be better. Whether I’m coding a new app or painting a picture, I’m always striving to improve and create something that will make a positive impact.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you’ll stick around and join me on this journey as I continue to explore new ideas and build exciting new things.